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LockDown Browser is a locked browser for taking quizzes in Moodle. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during a quiz. If a Moodle quiz requires that LockDown Browser be used, you will not be able to take the quiz with a standard web browser.LockDown Browser should only be used for taking Moodle Quizzes. It should not be used in other areas of Moodle.

  • Check your Computer and Internet Speed.

    • Check and recheck that your computer or laptop is working properly before your scheduled online test.
    • Avoid last-minute technical glitches.
    • Verify that your equipment has the minimum hardware and software requirements for the test. If necessary, uninstall all the unused and rarely used programs to meet optimum requirement
    • Make sure that your Wi-Fi connection is working properly or you may have to change the location to get adequate internet connectivity.
    • Do not panic if you have a technical problem during the exam. Instead, talk to the invigilator and seek his/her advice.

  • Install Respondus LockDown Browser.

    If LockDown Browser has already been installed, skip to the next section. If not, LockDown Browser must be installed to each computer (Windows or Mac) being used to take a test.

  • Check your USB/GoogleDrive/Onedrive.

    If you need to upload your answer, Please make sure your USB/GoogleDrive/OneDrive has been installed. Please make sure it is installed on both devices(laptop/computer & Mobile)

  • Choose the Location Wisely

    Choose a quiet place for your online exam. Close the door and windows to avoid distractions. Turn off your mobile phones, television, email, or other notifications or keep them in silent mode. Let your family members and your siblings know that you are sitting for an online exam and ask them not to interrupt you during the exam.

  • Keep an eye on the clock.

    You may want to set an alarm to notify you when you have limited time (e.g., 10 minutes) remaining in your testing period.

  • Disable your auto windows update

    To ensure that there are no interruptions during exam, please disable your windows auto update.

  • Makesure your Internet is good

    Though WiFi is always convenient, a direct connection is best. If you can hardwire your computer to the internet, they’ll have a stronger connection during your exam, ensuring minimal interruptions and a consistent test-taking experience. Remind to your roommates and family members should avoid activities that will monopolize internet bandwidth, like streaming videos or gaming.

  • Technical problems? Don’t panic.

    But do contact us immediately, detailing the exact problem that occurred and any error messages you might have received. If you can take a screen shot, that is helpful as well.

  • Check your answer before you submit it.

    Ensure that every answer is complete and appears as you intended. Review the accuracy of your answers, as well as your spelling and grammar.

  • Click submit.

    You should only need to do so once, but if you have a problem, try once more. If you still have a problem submitting the test, let your lecturer know immediately.

Check Your Internet Upload And Download Speed

Download speed refers to the speed at which your internet connection is able to retrieve data from the internet. Upload speed refers to the speed that your internet connection can allow data to be sent from your devices to the internet

With these free services listed below, you can even track outages and log your speeds on different days at different times. Here are some examples:

  • Take a screenshot or record a video.

    You can screenshot the error message or take a video of your problems, so we can see clearly what is problem that you have been face it .

  • Check in our solutions provided

    You can check your problems/issue on the solution that has been collected by us based on the problems that are often encountered.

    Click Here to View

  • Contact Us/Whatsapp

    You can contact us according to your campus or you can whatsapp us your problem.

Here are the step that you can do if you need to upload your answer in lockdown browser

1) Uploading Using Cloud Drive

Before you upload using Google/OneDrive, you must ensure that you have Google Drive installed and connected at your laptop and handphone.

How To Install and Setup Google Drive For Desktop/Laptop Click Here

Google Drive:

  • Double Click your Google Drive Apps in your mobile phone
  • Create a Folder for your exam answer. details
  • Click on folder that you just create
  • At the bottom right, tap Add icon
  • Click on Scan icon
  • Take picture of your answer sheet, click on icon if you satisfied with your picture.
  • The scanned document will be in pdf form. By default, the naming convention will be Scan-datetime.
  • Click on Save to upload your picture into the google drive folder
  • Once uploading to the Google Drive is done, you can proceed to upload your answer sheet in the LockDown Browser by browsing through the Google Drive folder in the computer/laptop.


  • Create a Folder for your exam answer.
  • Take picture/Scan document using OneDrive in handphone One Drive Scan Document (Icon Camera).
  • Take picture of your answer sheet, proceed accordingly to the instruction on screen and click “Save as”. The document will be scanned and uploaded.
  • The scanned document will be in pdf form. By default, the naming convention will be Scan-datetime.
  • Once uploading to the OneDrive is done, you can proceed to upload your answer sheet in the LockDown Browser by browsing through the OneDrive folder in the computer/laptop.

2. Uploading File Using USB Cable:

  • Connect your phone using USB first
  • Check your external drive for your phone appears in file explorer on your Computer/Laptop/Ipad, then you can Begin Your Exam.
  • Take picture of your answer.
  • Proceed upload your answer sheet in the LockDown Browser by Browsing Through your Mobile External Drive in the Computer/Laptop


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Contact Us 04-6533123

Working Hours:

(6 – 24 JULY 2022)

Monday – Friday
8.30 AM - 4.30 PM

(18 JULY – 14 AUGUST 2022)

8.00 AM -6.30 PM


Contact Us 09-767 2030/2033

Working Hours:

(6 – 24 JULY 2022)

8.30 AM – 4.30 PM

(18 JULY – 17 AUGUST 2022)

8.00 AM - 6.30 PM

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